Thursday, April 23, 2009

I am afraid of...

Wut. This kind of shit leaves me speechless. Well, not that speechless cuz I still have a little something to say. It reminds me of some of the arguments my students gave me when I asked them to share their views on same-sex marriage:

If same-sex marriage is legalized (in Hong Kong)...
1) Children of same-sex couples will be raised without a mother or father figure and that would be bad. Apparently, outside of same-sex marriage, or "opposite marriage" as Miss California calls it, that never happens in this world. And with two daddies, a girl will never figure out what the hell a tampon is for and a boy will never see or touch a boob until his adolescence. Boourns. (Assuming he is straight though but all people are...until something fabulously horrible turns them gay).
2) People will start marrying their dogs. Cuz based on the argument of freedom of choice, humans will want to wife/husband their pets and we'll just have to let them.
3) Human kind will become extinct as we will stop reproducing because...
4) ...everyone will become gay. Hong Kong teens like to follow trends, and if homosexuality becomes as popular as the ever fashionable and mega-talented Lady Gaga, then the entire world as we know it will turn gay AND forgo wearing pants.

...Now that WOULD be bad.

Oh, and check out this funny little ditty in response to the video above. Sarah Chalke is awesome...although I will probably forever see her as fake Becky. And also, what's up with Alicia Silverstone's mouth?

Okay, now I'm done and will go back to being speechless but with my face baring the following expressions as I run away and hide ---> 0_o and T_T

Yes. Both at the same time so maybe more like: o_T

Because sometimes, I am afraid of straight people.

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