Tuesday, February 2, 2010

You're Asian. I think I love you.

I came across this really interesting post on the blog Stuff White People Do (how did I not find this sooner?!).

A two-part post, one written by an Asian American female who is dating a white male and an Asian woman who describes herself as "mixed cultured." In this post, they both explore their own experiences with interracial dating, namely with white men and discuss some typical occurrences (traveling through Europe with her white boyfriend and having the train ticket booth guy try and speak Japanese to her while speaking English to the boyfriend) but more importantly, they discuss the challenges of bringing up the subject of race with someone who might be aware of racism but is less critical about their own privilege as a white male. Then they also go on to question why they are attracted to their white partners. She writes,"Am I attracted to him because he is white? Do I see white as desirable?"

Later and more interestingly, she flips that question. Do white guys ever ask why an Asian girl, or woman of colour, is with them? As long as they're getting some, do they care?

I find this post so interesting because a few years ago I probably would've been asking myself the same questions and wondering whether I was attracted to a guy because of his whiteness (amongst other things) but now, what's odd is that the opposite has happened. I keep asking myself, "do I only like him because he's Asian?"

In part, as a reaction to being critical about my past attraction to white guys, I've gone the opposite direction and seem to exclusively prefer Asian guys, almost blindly.

Asian guys are awesome, but at the end of the day, does it really matter? I think I've come to realize that while I might prefer dating Asian guys because we come from similar cultures and might speak bits and pieces of the same language, when it comes to the issues that are important to me, all that race, gender, sexuality, class bizness, they are not any more likely to be critical or openminded. And you know what? They are probably just as likely to tell me that Asian women have nothing to complain about because we have tons of guys after us whereas Asian men get no love (TRUE STORY, I've got original chat transcripts if anyone wants to see). Cry me a fucking river.

Maybe I should just date myself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i JUST logged on to my google reader, after months of inactivity, to find that you'd secretly been updating!! well, not secretly, because this is a blog, but secretly to me, because i kept forgetting to check in with google reader! anyway.

just wanted to say: i really liked this post. so very true - do we only like/notice guys now when they're asian? in my case, yes - i don't even look twice at a guy if he's white nowadays. which is racist, i know, because i am still purely judging based on the color of their skin, but it's hard not to.