Thursday, July 26, 2007

Quarter life crisis?

Disclaimer: I am feeling dramatic.

This year, almost all my friends graduated from university. There are a few going on to do further education and for the rest of us, we have the very exciting and torturous task of taking on the wonderful world of employment - wait, scratch that - of unemployment. For the first time in our lives since we were 3, we don't know what we're doing come September. I could sit on my ass from September to December if I really wanted to, provided that my parents don't kick me out of the house, but that's not something I want to do. At this point, I think we're all getting anxious but still maintaining the hope that the employment fairy will swoop down and sprinkle the magic dust that will propel us in to the "real world."

Out of all my friends, I think I'm definitely the most impatient, in life and in this whole job hunt adventure. It's not like I was expecting to work at the Star or the Globe but it sucks when you apply for 20 random "proof-reader" jobs, something I *think* I can do pretty well, and don't hear back from one person. It got to the point where I started thinking maybe there was something wrong with my e-mail but nope, g-mail is fine and dandy. I've used this analogy before but applying for jobs really feels like I'm throwing a message in a bottle into the sea, hoping that someone somewhere will find it and read it but chances are that you'll never see that bottle again.

I know my problem is that I'm not patient enough and I get discouraged easily. I can bounce back from disappointment but right now, it's just one of those times when you're feeling a tiny bit defeated. I decided to move back to Hong Kong a few weeks ago after realizing that there are a lot of journalism related job opportunities for new graduates back home but is that just my way of picking up and running away because I don't think I have what it takes to "make it" here? I'm excited to move back but I'm currently questioning my motives. At times I'm 100% sure about it and I think I'm doing it for the right reasons but then I start to doubt myself and think maybe I should stick it out for a bit in Toronto and see where things go. Am I running away because I'm scared or am I really chasing my dream? (Wow I sound like Carrie Bradshaw, somebody slap me.)

For now the decision remains that I'll move to Hong Kong and either way, I'll MAKE it the right decision, whatever right means. I have to suck it up and quit acting like a 22 year old baby. In the meantime, I give each of my friends a big hug and an encouraging pat on the back. We're all in this together and when all else fails, there's always MacDonalds ;) Gooooooo arts degrees!!


vee said...

hahahahaha nice hairdo. and i think ur starting to get really good at using paint! hahaha man i love the hair. i really do.

if you think going back to hk will get your ahead...or help you make progress in your life as a journalist...then i don't think it's a bad idear (intended) at all.

.........i can't get over the's like...gravity doesn't exist anymore!!

Unknown said...

haha..gotta ditto what vee said, queen of paint isn't such a far-fetched distinction for ya anymore...and yeh, man wish i can straigten my hair (maybe just for a day) to see how spikes would go on me haha..

but yeah, totally know what u mean it's always hard but to know that u're not alone feels like its a good consolation...would definitely agree with ur move back to hong kong, cuz sometimes its just that we have too MANY options and need to focus on narrowing it this would be a good move for u...

gretzky once said "u miss 100% of the shots u dont take" as long as u're taking shots, u've got somethin' goin for u do i sound cool or wattt!?! haha

Dave Lee said...

As for the whole job thing...I don't think you should be faulted for wanting to go back home. Some people love going straight to work after school, but really, is there that big of a rush? Most of us are going to be working for next long while, so I don't see the point in rushing to find a job. Yes, you will find a job, wherever you go, because as someone once told me, "Everything happens for a reason." Things happen for a reason, and if you make the best of your situation and have a little faith, I don't think you have anything to worry about.

Unknown said...

" you want fries with that?"

let's hope none of us ever have to say that on a regular basis.