Monday, July 30, 2007

Preference or fetish? The debate continues...

I've talked about Yellow Fever before, and according to one person, I've bludgeoned it to death with my never-ending discussion but after reading this article on (where I get my cheery daily reports of racism) I'm just plain confused. For those of you who aren't as nerdily or morbidly obsessed with race, the article raises the question of where the line is to be drawn between a preference or a fetish and whether one can fetishize one's own race. Personally, that line has become a dot to me.

I will openly admit that I have been fetishized but have also fetishized others. In my daily conversations with friends, I hear myself proclaiming: "I want a (insert race here) guy," and now when I think about that, it just sounds wrong. When it comes down to really liking someone, I don't discriminate based on colour but what does it mean when I say I prefer a certain race?

(Unlike reality, in Paint-World, I can drive. And I drive in style.)

I usually explain my "colour preferences" by saying that I just feel a little more comfortable around people of colour (maybe out of my own insecurities) or that I just find them more attractive. Although that isn't to say that I don't find white guys attractive, because you all know my past *rolls eyes.* In reaction to all that Yellow Fever business, I've taken the extreme route of constantly telling people that I want an Asian man. I judge girls who say they will only date white guys and will never date an Asian guy. To compensate for their lack of taste, I tell people that Asian guys are at the top of my list, though that doesn't really mean anything in practice.

That brings me to the other question of whether I'm fetishizing my own race and on the same note, dating an Asian or coloured guy certainly doesn't mean that I won't be fetishized. I'm confused. I find a lot of Asian guys extremely attractive but I don't think it has anything to do with what I think they'll be like in terms of who they are as a person. But when I say that I think Filippino guys are especially hot because a lot of the ones I see lately can dance pretty damn well and I find that sexy as it a race thing or a dance thing?? Hmm...I actually think it may be the latter.

When we joke around, what does it mean to have jungle/brown/yellow or white (??) fever?

And I hate that I feel like I have to defend myself but YES I am aware that there are serious issues in this world other than race. I do take race seriously and if you have a problem, suck it. I'm sick of people telling me what I should or shouldn't care about and this will be the first and last time I'll defend myself on this blog.

Peace out homies.


Dave Lee said...

You're becoming quite the MS Paint artist, although why are the wheels on your car so close together? Hahaha, anyways...

I think it's possible to buy into fetishization of one's own race, if you cling to the aspects of that race that people tend to fetishize about. It's all mental and internalized, like a set of qualities that, real or imagined, appeal to a range of people. It's important to distinguish between fetishizing and fantasizing: whereas fantasizing is only the imagined 'buying in' of certain racial qualities, fetishizing is the very real manifestion of the imagined, and a dictating quality of attraction. There is a difference between "I think brunettes are cute", and "I'm dating someone because she's a brunette".

(Unfortunately, the latter is untrue, although the former is.)

Dating based on fetishized qualities to the exclusion of all non-fetishized members of a sex is pretty nonsensical to me. I don't see how, beyond social or cultural taboo, that would be possible. It seems fairly narrow-minded to me; sure, I like some types of girls more than others, but I wouldn't really say "omg it's a [insert race] girl, get away". Who knows, maybe my future wife will be a Jewish Iranian girl from Siberia.

Unknown said...

your art makes me laugh! who knew you had so much talent with a mouse?